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Rev. Dan Johnson

Clergy Announcement!

On behalf of the Leadership Team at Brunswick United Methodist Church, I share the following announcement: It is the intention of Bishop Lanette Plambeck to appoint Pastor Laquaan Malachi and the Reverend Dan Johnson as co-pastors of Brunswick United Methodist Church, and acting on behalf of the congregation, the Leadership Team has affirmed the Bishop's intention. Each church member's supportive prayers and acts of kindness during the transition period will be greatly appreciated.


Pastor Malachi’s appointment was official on July 1, 2023 and Pastor Dan will begin with us September 1, 2023. They will be copastors and will share any responsibilities, including preaching. Please join the Leadership Team in supporting and welcoming Pastor Malachi and Pastor Dan to Brunswick!


Rachel Hemke

Leadership Team Board Chair

Brunswick United Methodist Church

Brunswick United Methodist Church

6122 42nd Avenue North

Crystal, MN 55422

Parking lot is behind the church, off Colorado Avenue North


Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays noon - 3pm

Phone: 763-533-1661

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